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Belgorodenergo reduced electricity losses in grids by 58.5 million kWh


At the end of 2019, the actual losses of electricity in grids of Rosseti Centre Belgorodenergo amounted to 10.07% of the supply to the grid, which is 58.5 million kWh less than in 2018. This is comparable to the annual consumption of the Rovensky district. The volume of supply to the grid amounted to 7,092 million kWh.

The loss reduction was facilitated by modernization of substation and power line equipment, development of electricity metering systems, optimization of grid operating modes, and implementation of new digital equipment and technologies.

One of the most effective ways to manage losses is to install an automated electricity metering system at transformer substations of 6-10 kV, which allows to balance electricity supply and consumption, detect and check the grid sections for deviations. In the branch, 181 substations of 35-110 kV (100%) and 2,998 transformers of 0.4-10 kV are equipped with technical metering.

In addition to direct economic damage, losses provoke an increase in the load on the grid and, as a result, a decrease in quality of supplied electricity. In 2019, Belgorodenergo’s employees revealed 362 facts of non-metered consumption of electric energy with a total volume of 5.6 million kWh in the amount of 12.9 million rubles and more than 200 facts of non-contractual consumption of electric energy with a total volume of 2.3 million kWh in the amount of 7.9 million rubles.

Belgorodenergo reminds that in case of unauthorized connection to the grid, in addition to reimbursing unjust enrichment, in accordance with Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine of up to 15 thousand rubles for individuals, up to 80 thousand for officials and up to 200 thousand rubles for legal entities. And if there are sufficient grounds, a person can be prosecuted under Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The funds saved as a result of the implementation of the program to reduce losses are used to develop the grid infrastructure of the branch and solve production problems.

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