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More than 6 thousand children took part in electrical safety classes organized by Kurskenergo in 2019


The branch “Rosseti Centre Kurskenergo” pays great attention to prevention of third-party injuries at energy facilities of the enterprise. One of the important components of this work is electrical safety lessons for children, which energy specialists conduct in educational institutions of Kursk and the Kursk region, as well as in the summer in school and children’s recreation camps in the region. The branch’s specialists tell children about the role of electricity in a person’s life, introduce them to rules for using electrical appliances, explain the meaning of warning signs, and teach first-aid techniques to victims of electric current.

From January to December 2019, Kurskenergo’s specialists organized 446 electrical safety classes, with 6,215 schoolchildren taking part in them. The power engineers conducted thematic lessons for pupils of secondary schools of the Oboyansky, Timsky, Kastorensky, Schigrovsky, Gorshechensky, Bolshesoldatsky, Glushkovsky and other districts of the Kursk region, as well as for schoolchildren of educational institutions of the city of Kursk. Electrical safety lessons were held in children’s health and school camps. Among them are the children’s health camp “Sun” in the village of Srednye Apochki in the Gorshechensky district, the children’s health camp “Monolith” in the Korenevsky district, the sports and health camp named after V. Tereshkova. To organize work on the prevention of children’s injuries, the power engineers use various forms of information. So, in October, the first transformer substation was opened, decorated with graffiti on the topic of electrical safety in the territory of Secondary school No. 60 of the city of Kursk.

“Kurskenergo deals with the prevention of children’s electrical injuries systematically throughout the year,” says Dmitry Gorbachev, the deputy chief engineer - the head of the industrial safety and production control department, “Themed events allow us to instill in the younger generation a culture of safe handling of electricity. Our work finds response and support in the person of the heads of educational institutions and children’s health camps who help with the organization and conduct of electrical safety lessons during the school year and school holidays.”

In 2020, Kurskenergo will continue to conduct activities on electrical safety for children and adolescents.

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