The branch “Rosseti Centre Kostromaenergo” summed up the results of the implementation of the energy saving and energy efficiency program for 5 months of 2019. The total effect of the implementation of the program activities was 13.10 thousand kWh.
Reduction of losses in electric grids was achieved thanks to the implementation of a number of specially developed organizational and technical measures. Among them there is optimization of underused equipment, replacement of wires for a larger cross section on overloaded power lines and replacement of overhead line wires in residential buildings with self-supporting insulated wire (SIW), installation of energy-saving transformers.
To reduce the amount of energy consumption for utility needs, the branch continues work to replace lighting with energy-saving LED. In total, 524 lighting fixtures and lamps were replaced, the effect of this work amounted to 3.38 thousand kWh.
The implementation of measures of the energy saving and energy efficiency program of Kostromaenergo contributes to improving the reliability of energy supply to consumers of the Kostroma region. And the funds saved as a result of this are used, among other things, to solve the main production tasks, development of the electric grid infrastructure, improvement of settlements, ensuring a comfortable life for inhabitants of the region.