The branch “Rosseti Centre Kurskenergo” conducts systematic work to reduce industrial injuries and improve the system of labour protection management. A total of 47.3 million rubles is planned for these events in 2019.
More than 29 million rubles were spent on the purchase of personal protective equipment, tools and accessories. Employees of the branch are fully provided with protective clothing and shoes that are resistant to effects of an electric arc, sets of portable grounding for installation from the ground, and individual voltage signaling devices.
8 million rubles were allocated for medical examinations and improvement of sanitary and living conditions of employees, about 5 million - for pre-trip medical examinations of car drivers and pre-shift checks of production personnel.
The branch’s management and the trade union committee pay great attention to industrial safety and labour protection at the enterprise.
A network-wide test site with 0.4-10 kV and 35-110 kV equipment was built in Oktyabrsky Distribution Zone, at which electricians improve their skills, prepare for competitions and develop professional skills. At a closed training centre built in Kursk, power engineers are engaged in theoretical and practical testing of safe operation of equipment for distribution networks of 0.4–35 kV. There are also training centres in Distribution Zones.
In addition, funds are allocated for the general improvement of working conditions and rest of Kurskenergo’s employees: production bases are being repaired, in 15 Distribution Zones of the enterprise there are sports rooms for personnel, which are equipped with sports simulators.
“Timely to work to improve labour protection and conditions for personnel, to minimize harmful factors is our common goal, and its achievement is not the work of individual structures, but of the entire team of Kurskenergo,” stressed the head of the industrial safety and production control department Dmitry Gorbachev.
*- Since June 2019, all companies of the transmission and distribution grid complex in corporate and marketing communications, as well as on all corporate identity carriers have been using the new name containing the Rosseti trademark and regional or functional binding.