Over the past 6 months of 2019, the branch “Rosseti Centre Tverenergo” spent 6.715 million rubles on professional training, retraining and staff development.
Of 908 employees, 511 workers completed their advanced training courses. 30 workers were trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height, 46 managers and specialists were trained and certified as members of the commission for safe work at height. 47 employees of the branch were trained in various areas in the field of industrial safety. Another 57 executives were trained in the direction of “fire safety measures”. 107 drivers and electricians with the combination of the driver's profession learned driving maneuvers and a course of defensive driving. 107 managers and specialists completed regular training and knowledge testing in the area of labour protection. 43 employees were certified for the title of rescuers of the rescue team of the branch.
Professional development and professional training were carried out in various working specialties: electricians of various areas - first responding mobile crews, substation service, repair and installation of cable lines, operation of distribution grids, operation of electricity metering devices, repair of overhead lines, repair of distribution equipment devices, maintenance and repair of relay protection and automation devices, tests and measurements.
67 workers received a second profession: a slinger, a machinist of a drilling and crane machine, a machinist of an aerial platform and a hydraulic lifter, a woodcutter of the 6th category.
By the end of the year, more than 500 power engineers will be trained at the branch. The branch “Rosseti Centre Tverenergo” continuously improves the professional knowledge and skills of its employees, focusing on the comprehensive development of labour resources. For many years Tverenergo has been successfully interacting with leading regional universities of the country, training and methodical and educational institutions, training centres, organizes on-the-job training in its structural subdivisions, and also conducts retraining and personnel training on the basis of classrooms.