The branch “Rosseti Centre Voronezhenergo”* continues the systematic work on clearing routes of power lines from tree and shrub vegetation. The activities are held in preparation for the heating period and are aimed at ensuring reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers.
Currently, the power engineers have cleared more than 925.7 hectares of routes. Most of the work was done in Kalacheevsky and Liskinsky districts of the Voronezh region.
In order to improve the efficiency and quality of clearing, to minimize the negative impact on the environment, Voronezhenergo actively uses all-terrain mechanical wood shredders - mulchers. They provide continuous grinding of vegetation into chips, which subsequently do not have to be disposed of. This reduces the amount of manual labour, improves productivity, significantly increases the area of clearing.
By the end of 2019, Voronezhenergo’s employees will clear more than 1,400 hectares of routes from shrub and woody overgrowths in security zones of more than 600 overhead power lines. More than 25 million rubles will be allocated for this work.
“Cutting down trees and shrubs in the vicinity of power lines eliminates falling on power lines of trees as a result of exposure to strong winds, snowfall, freezing rain. In addition, the expansion and clearing of routes significantly increases the reliability of the region’s power complex during a fire-hazardous period,” stressed Voronezhenergo’s Chief Engineer Vyacheslav Antonov.
*- From June 2019, all companies of the transmission and distribution grid complex in corporate and marketing communications, as well as on all corporate identity carriers will use the new name containing the Rosseti trademark and regional or functional binding.