“Rosseti Centre Belgorodenergo” is completing work on connection to the grid of a new school “Vector of Success” in the microdistrict Razumnoye-54, designed for a thousand places. The power consumption of the facility will be 512.22 kW.
The primary and backup power source for the school will be the 110 kV “Vitamin Plant” substation. The power engineers laid about half a kilometre of 0.4-6 kV cable lines. Currently, they are preparing to install a new package transformer substation equipped with the latest means of relay protection and automation and reactive power compensation devices that will allow the school to effectively use energy resources. The constructed power facilities will provide electricity to the ventilation system, lighting, elevators, technological equipment of the educational institution, which has become the second such major school in the region.
In addition to the educational institution in Belgorodsky district, Belgrodenergo has already connected to the grid of an elementary school, combined with a kindergarten, for 200 places in the Novaya Zhizn neighbourhood of the city of Belgorod. To provide the new building with the necessary power of 267.70 kW, about 1.5 km of 0.4-10 kV cable lines were constructed at the facility and a modern transformer substation was installed. The educational institution will receive electricity from the 110 kV “Dubovoye” substation through the main and backup power lines.
Another school for 100 places with a kindergarten, with the customer contract demand of 148.6 kW, is connected to grids in the microdistrict Pushkarskie dachi in Stary Oskol. The power supply of this facility required the construction of about a kilometre of a 0.4 kV cable line and the installation of two 0.4 kV LV switches at the existing transformer substations.
In addition to the schools, the power engineers provided electricity to kindergartens in the village of Alekseevka in Korochansky district and the village of Nikolskoye in Belgorodsky district with a total power of 300 kW.
In the autumn, Belgorodenergo intends to complete the first stage of grid connection of three kindergartens with primary schools for 100 places in the neighbourhood Streletskoye-59, Parus of Belgorodsky district, to provide electricity to the art school in Bessonovka in Belgorodsky district and the primary school with a kindergarten in the village of Dalnyaya Igumenka in Korochansky district.
Belgorodenergo performs the installation of power supply circuits for all educational facilities using modern domestic equipment and materials. To ensure the required level of reliability, the grid sections are sectionalized. In the case of an unplanned power outage, this allows uninterrupted power supply to the majority of consumers.