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Smolenskenergo implements environmental protection measures


As part of the implementation of the environmental program, power engineers of IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division implement environmental protection measures. In 2018, the Smolensk branch spent 4.4 million rubles on the implementation of environmental policy measures. The main tasks in the implementation of the environmental programs of the branch during this period were: monitoring compliance with environmental legislation in structural units of the branch; organization of full primary waste accounting and keeping records of formation and movement of waste; conclusion of contracts for organized washings of road transport; transfer of mercury-containing lamps, worn tires and used office equipment to specialized licensed organizations for deactivation and disposal of this waste; carrying out industrial environmental monitoring (including in the field of waste management).

Of the amount invested in environmental activities, they allocated for such most significant measures as follows: 1.177 million rubles for delivery of solid utility waste, 955.04 thousand rubles for collection and treatment of wastewater, 438.89 thousand rubles for development of projects of maximum permissible emissions, 235.6 thousand rubles for arrangement of sites for waste accumulation, 228.5 thousand rubles for development of projects of the Waste Generation and Disposal Targets (WGDT), 116.33 thousand rubles for instrumental control compliance with established MPE standards in the atmosphere.

In addition, the power engineers take measures aimed at preservation of wildlife, as well as prevention of technological disruptions caused by animal exposure. First of all, this is the use of self-supporting insulated wire in construction, reconstruction of high-voltage lines, as well as connecting new customers. In 2018, 130 km of 0.4–10 kV overhead power lines were reconstructed, replacing bare wire with self-supporting insulated wire (SIW).

Another effective measure is equipping overhead power lines with bird protection devices. So, in 2018, Smolensk power engineers installed 2,660 bird protection devices on high-voltage lines, the routes of which pass in the places of the greatest concentration of birds. The costs of these types of work amounted to 361.41 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the protective devices used by the power engineers are completely safe for birds: they do not harm the life and health of birds, but simply prevent them from landing on poles, forcing them to look for safer places.

In order to improve qualifications of personnel in the field of environmental protection, 30 employees of Smolenskenergo were trained under the program “Training of persons entitled to work with hazardous waste” in the private institution of additional professional education “Training Centre “Occupational Safety”. The training costs amounted to 54 thousand rubles. The trainees included chiefs and chief engineers of Distribution Zones, foremen of crews, transport repair masters, environmental engineers and other personnel categories.

IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division places high demands on the environmental aspects of production activities. Ensuring the environmental safety of production, rational use of natural energy resources, the branch contributes to the improvement of the general state of environmental safety of the Smolensk region.

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