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Smolenskenergo’s specialists plan in 2019 to conduct about a hundred electrical safety lessons in schools in the region


The plans of specialists of IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division include conducting 98 electrical safety classes during 2019. Activities during the school year are held in schools, lyceums and boarding schools, and in the summer period, power engineers attend kindergartens, school grounds and summer holiday camps in the Smolensk region.

Classes are held in the form of lessons, games, thematic conversations, quests. At events power engineers tell children about the rules of behaviour next to energy facilities, they introduce them to signs warning of danger. At the end of the energy lessons, teachers are given thematic posters for designing special stands.

Conducting electrical safety lessons is part of comprehensive and systematic work to reduce the risk of injury at power facilities, implemented by the Smolensk power engineers. It includes a set of special events of organizational, technical and informational and educational nature. The branch’s specialists are ready to conduct electrical safety lessons in educational institutions and children’s recreation camps of the Smolensk region over and above the plan. To organize a lesson, it is enough to contact the branch’s public relations department by calling 8 (4812) 42-95-62. Lessons are free and only on weekdays.

Smolenskenergo will also continue an active information campaign on the prevention of children’s electrical injuries through the media.

Prevention of electrical injuries of third parties is one of the priorities of Smolenskenergo. Work in this area has been carried out by power engineers for many years, with special attention being paid to training the younger generation. The main task of the power engineers is to remind of the danger of electric current and the importance of observing the rules of behaviour near energy facilities.

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