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Belgorodenergo completes reconstruction of the 110 kV substation “Konshino”


IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division is completing the reconstruction of the 110 kV substation “Konshino”. The feeding centre with its installed capacity of 3.2 MVA provides power supply to 13 villages and farms of Gubkinsky district. 19.4 million rubles were allocated for the project implementation with VAT included.

The project provides for replacement of 110 kV oil switches with gas-insulated ones with reconstruction of control automation of each switch in the part of controlling the pressure of the SF6 gas, modernization of cables. To increase the reliability of the power supply centre, a set of local backup protection of a power transformer is installed at outdoor 110 kV switchgear.

The 110 kV substation “Konshino” was commissioned in 1991. Today, the facility feeds 1,356 consumers in Gubkinsky district, the reliability of their power supply will significantly increase upon the work completion.

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