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Yarenergo at the exercises in the Tver region


As of 12 October, Yarenergo’s employees cleared 191 hectares of ROWs along overhead power lines. The total length of cleared power lines is 164 kilometres. Yarenergo’s staff works in Vesyegonsky, Sandovsky and Lesnoy Distribution Zones of Tverenergo.

“As part of the exercises, we are working on clearing ROWs of 10 kV overhead lines from trees and shrubs in the territory of Sandovsky district of the Tver region, working out interaction with the executive authorities of the Tver region, units of the EMERCOM of Russia, loggers. In Sandovsky district, our crews have cleared 58.81 hectares of ROWs. In addition to hard work, we try to organize leisure activities for our employees: we went to the local museum of flora and fauna, fishing, and held a table tennis tournament on the weekend,” said Maxim Siluyanov, the chief engineer of Danilovsky Distribution Zone.

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