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Kurskenergo for six months within the framework of the ongoing claim-related work made it possible to reduce the debt for electricity transmission services by 184 million rubles


IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division summed up the results of work to reduce receivables for electricity transmission services for 6 months of 2018. In the indicated period, the total debt for electricity transmission services decreased by 184 million rubles, including overdue debt by 29 million rubles. Penalty in the amount of 7.7 million rubles was collected.

From January to June inclusive, 21 positive court decisions were made on the claims of Kurskenergo, 25 million rubles worth of enforcement orders were received, of which 24 million rubles have already been returned to the branch.

As of 1 July 2018, the overdue receivables for electricity transmission services of counterparties to Kurskenergo amounted to 539 million rubles, including 445 million rubles - moratorium indebtedness, recovered under the bankruptcy procedure.

The largest other overdue debts were recorded for the following counterparties: Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Gorvodokanal" (28 million rubles), LLC "Regional Energy Retail Company" (22 million rubles), JSC "Kurskoblvodokanal" (13 million rubles).

Actions of non-payers jeopardize the reliability of power supply to consumers of the Kursk region, since the funds received by Kurskenergo for the provision of electricity transmission services are used, among other things, to implement production programs. The enterprise intends to continue the work aimed at ensuring the unconditional fulfillment by consumers of their contractual obligations.

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