IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division held the grand opening of the fifth season of students’ crews of the power grid complex. This year, 14 students from the Southwestern State University (SWSU), the Rylsk Aviation Technical College - State Federal-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training "Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation" and the Lgov branch of Regional Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Kursk Mounting Technical School" will work at facilities of the company under the guidance of experienced mentors. Heads of Kurskenergo, SWSU and Kursk Mounting Technical School, as well as representatives of the administration of the city of Lgov, took part in the celebratory assembly, which was held in Lgovsky Distribution Zone.
The event was opened by Alexander Rudnevsky, Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre - Kurskenergo division director. He wished the guys success in their work, and recalled the importance of compliance with job descriptions and safety rules in the performance of work.
The work season was started by the traditional transfer to the current commander of the crew "Energy" Denis Izotov a helmet received from the hands of Director General of PJSC Rosseti in 2014, at the end of the season of students’ construction crews of the power grid complex in the Crimea. The commander of the crew in 2014-2015 Sergey Agibalov, who now works as an engineer for relay protection and automation of the Central section of Kurskenergo, handed over the helmet. In turn, the students gave those present a creative gift: they performed a dance under the hymn of IDGC of Centre. At the end of the event, the guys went on a tour to the house-museum of the writer Arkady Gaidar.
The season of students’ construction crews in Kurskenergo will last from July 2 to July 31. The members will start work after passing the initial briefing on labour protection and fire safety and familiarization with the rules of internal labour regulations. Their main activity will be to take readings from electricity meters. In addition, the guys will take part in competitions of PJSC Rosseti for the best photo work, the best party song, and also for the best construction crew of the power grid complex.