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Tambovenergo continues work on prevention of children’s electric injuries during the summer holidays


Employees of IDGC of Centre - Tambovenergo division continue to conduct electrical safety lessons for children and adolescents in summer health camps of the Tambov region. Regular classes were held in the camps "Sputnik", "Lastochka", "Visly Bor" and "Kruglinsky Dawns" in Michurinsky district of the Tambov region. In total, their lesson participants were about 500 people.

The children learned about the basic rules of electrical safety and the importance of warning signs installed on electrical equipment, watched videos where it is clearly shown what unauthorized penetration into power facilities is dangerous for, took part in fascinating contests and quizzes held by the power engineers. The employees of Tambovenergo demonstrated to them methods of providing first aid to the victim from the impact of electric current, and at the end of the lessons, specialized brochures and posters were handed over to consolidate the knowledge gained.

The lessons of electrical safety are one of the most important activities of the program to reduce risks of injuries to third parties at power facilities of IDGC of Centre. Until the end of summer, Tambovenergo’s employees will conduct thematic classes in all summer health camps of the Tambov region.

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