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Kostromaenergo’s specialists conduct a vocational guidance campaign in schools of the Kostroma region


Specialists of IDGC of Centre - Kostromaenergo division conduct active vocational guidance work among schoolchildren. One of its important components are meetings with senior pupils in schools of the region. On the eve such events were held at secondary school # 18 in Kostroma, as well as in educational institutions of Sudislavsky, Ostrovsky, Susaninsky, Buysky and Volgorechensky districts.

Specialists of the HR department of Kostromaenergo together with chiefs of Distribution Zones of the branch and methodologists of the Kostroma Power Engineering College told the pupils about the main activities of the enterprise, the specifics of work at it, the social guarantees and personnel prospects provided here for young specialists. Also, the participants of the meetings learned where in the Kostroma region and outside the region it is possible to receive a specialized energy education.

Kostromaenergo pays great attention to popularizing the energy profession among the younger generation. In addition to classes in schools, the power engineers regularly conduct tours for schoolchildren to the company’s facilities, Open Doors Days, other vocational guidance activities and events.

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