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Bryanskenergo conducts a month’s campaign on electrical safety


IDGC of Centre - Bryanskenergo division on the eve of school holidays, conducts a month’s campaign on electrical safety for pupils of the Bryansk region. Its program is designed to prevent children’s electric injuries at power grid facilities in the summer months, when children are often unattended by adults.

In schools of the region, electrical safety lessons are held, at which Bryanskenergo’s specialists introduce pupils to the rules of electrical safety, and teach them how to provide first aid with the training dummy "Gosha". In total, the energy company will conduct more than 100 such classes.

In cinemas of the region, before the beginning of films, winners of the "Cartoons for electricity" contest are shown, which the company conducted for schoolchildren in the region in 2017. In addition, Bryanskenergo organized a broadcast on the television channel "Bryansk Gubernia" and in the region’s medical institutions of the cartoon on the prevention of electric injuries, in which fairy-tale characters of the Fixies tell children about the need to observe electrical safety rules.

The month of electrical safety will end on 1 June, on Children’s Day, with a holiday that will be held in Bryansk near the building of Bryanskenergo. Schoolchildren will take part in a contest of drawings on the asphalt and energy quiz.

During the summer holidays, Bryanskenergo will continue conducting electrical safety classes in school and summer camps.

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