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Belgorodenergo’s employees planted 200 pine seedlings during an ecological clean-up event


Two hundred pine seedlings were planted by employees of IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division in Distribution Zones during the ecological clean-up event, timed to the next contest "Green Distribution Zone".

In Rakityansky district the power engineers planted plants and cleared the territory of the park named after the full Knight of the Order of Glory, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, the former power engineer Alexander Pisklov, carried out sanitary work on the site of his burial in the village of Soldatsky. In Valuyki, workers of the Distribution Zone restored plants in the same name energy park, in Chernyanka - they landscaped the park named after the first chief of Chernyansky Distribution Zone Alexander Lokka.

Employees of the executive office of Belgorodenergo cleaned the territory adjacent to the 110 kV substation "Zapadnaya". The site was cleared of the American maple and vegetable debris. In total, more than five tons of garbage were collected and removed.

In addition to the pines, the branch’s employees planted bushes, conducted preventive treatment of existing plants, put in order repair and production bases and sites assigned to Distribution Zones in towns and villages of the region.

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