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The first stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren of "Rosseti" finished in Orel


31 March and April 1, the first stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren of "Rosseti" passed at the Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin (OrelSAU). 27 children from grades 9-10 took part in it. The event was organized at the regional level by IDGC of Centre - Orelenergo, with the support of the Department of Education of the Orel region.

At the first stage, the children were asked to complete assignments in 3 disciplines: "Mathematics", "Physics" and "Computer Science". For each subject, the schoolchildren were given 2.5 astronomical hours. In the breaks between solving problems lunch and several coffee breaks were set up for the children.

Works of the schoolchildren at the first stage will be evaluated by a highly qualified jury, which included the head of the Department of Information Technology and Computer Science of OrelSAU A.S. Kolomeichenko, a teacher of OrelSAU I.I. Zubova, a teacher of OrelSAU T.A. Volobueva, the head of the general education department T.K. Patova, a teacher of mathematics and physics of a secondary general boarding school T.P. Pozdnyakova and E.V. Marushkina.

The final stage of the Olympiad will be aimed at testing the ability to apply the available knowledge of subjects while solving applied problems in the field of electric power.

The electric grid companies of the group of companies "Rosseti" are holding the Olympiad for schoolchildren to identify and develop talented schoolchildren, who are capable of technical creativity and innovative thinking, planning their professional activities in the electric power industry, and involving them in developing advanced infrastructure and technology projects relevant to the power grid complex of the Russian Federation.

Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad in each region will be revealed after its second and final stage, which will be held from 21 April 2018.

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