In August 2017, IDGC of Centre – Smolenskenergo division held professional skill competitions among employees of the department of electricity metering and loss optimization of all Distribution Zones. Qualifying stages in which 26 teams took part - one from each of the Distribution Zones of the branch, were held in different districts of the region. The final competitions took place at the training centre "Lubnya" in Smolensky district. 4 teams took part in them - winners of the qualifying competitions.
The objectives of the competitions were: to assess and improve the level of professional training of the employees of the department of electricity metering and loss optimization of the Distribution Zones, exchange of the best practices in carrying out work on instrumental testing of three-phase and replacement of single-phase electricity meters, and demonstration of skills in providing first aid to the victim.
Each crew consisted of a master and an electrician for operation of electricity meters.
The competitions consisted of 4 stages. At the first stage, testing was conducted for knowledge of regulatory and administrative documents. The second stage showed how correctly and efficiently the crews can provide first aid to the victim through resuscitation. Within the framework of the third stage, the participants competed in the correctness and speed of replacing single-phase metering devices that are known to be defective or recognized as unusable. During the final, fourth stage, instrumental testing of three-phase electricity meters with direct connection was performed.
Based on the results of the score at all the stages, the crew of Smolensk City Distribution Zone became the winner. The second place was taken by the team of Vyazemsky Distribution Zone, the third went to the power engineers of Safonovsky Distribution Zone. The titles "The youngest promising worker" were also awarded to Alexander Leonov (an electrician for operation of electricity meters of the 3rd category of Khislavichsky Distribution Zone) and "The most experienced worker" to Yury Tuvashov (an electrician for operation of electricity meters of the 3rd category of Smolensk City Distribution Zone).
The winners were awarded by the chief judge of the competitions, Oleg Bonadisev, Deputy Director for Development and Sale of Services of Smolenskenergo. The judges’ team also included managers and the most experienced specialists of the electricity metering department, the production safety and industrial control department of the branch, the office of sale of services, the office of grid connections and the office of interaction with customers. It was they who at their stages evaluated not only the quality of the tasks performance, but also the equipment with overalls, protective equipment, tools, adaptations, the correctness of filling in the documentation, the promptness and accuracy of the algorithm of actions, the ability to report on their actions while performing the work.
"The branch holds similar competitions for the second year in a row. Last year they took place in October and showed the work of crews of electricity metering and loss optimization departments in difficult weather conditions of the cold season. In 2017, we decided to hold the competitions in the summer to test the readiness of the work in another period. The program of the competitions itself consisted of tasks that specialists face constantly. The event provided an opportunity to exchange experiences, learn the shortcomings in the work, pay attention to the speed and coherence of the work of the crew’s members," commented Oleg Bonadisev.