On the eighty-ninth birthday of Dobrinsky district of the Lipetsk region, local authorities opened an updated Honour Board, noting people and teams who were renowned for their work and active life position. And the team of Dobrinsky Distribution Zone is among the eight best enterprises of the district on the Honour Board.
"For us, this is a landmark event! Because it demonstrates the merits of the team, let it not be so big in comparison with other enterprises of the district, but we carry out a very important function to ensure the life support of the Dobrinsky land. Professionals, people, who live in power engineering, work here," Sergey Grigoriev, chief of Dobrinsky Distribution Zone, added.
In addition, an honorary diploma of the Administration and the Council of Deputies was awarded to the electrician for operation of distribution networks of the 4th category of the Lebedyansky workshop for operation of distribution networks No. 3 of Dobrinsky Distribution Zone Nikolay Lepikhov.
The operator of the operational and technical group of Dobrinsky Distribution Zone Ivan Lepikhov and his wife Anastasia, on the birthday of the district, the registry offices presented a gift of a bicycle-pram. The child of the young parents became a hundredth baby in the district that was born in 2017.