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Dear parents! IDGC of Centre - Lipetskenergo warns!


According to statistics, the number of injuries among children and adolescents during the holidays increases significantly. The main reasons for the tragic incidents are ignorance of the rules of electrical safety. What do you remind the child of, letting him go for a walk?

1. Conduct explanatory work on the danger of launching pyrotechnic products under power lines. Such actions in the security zone of lines and substations can lead to wire breakage and, as a result, to electric injury.

2. It is dangerous for children to play in the areas of transformer substations and get inside. The equipment is under high voltage!

3. It is forbidden to touch reinforced concrete poles of power lines, as in the event of a technical malfunction the object may be under voltage.

5. You must not climb poles of power lines, it is forbidden to do selfies near power facilities.

6. Remember yourselves and tell the children: it is dangerous for life to approach broken wires at a distance of more than 8-10 metres. Around this wire there is a zone of "step voltage", you should leave it without taking your feet off the ground.

8. The danger of electric shock is prevented by signs or posters fixed on electrical installations. Pay attention to the warning signs: "Stop! High Voltage! Danger", "Danger! Keep out!".

9. If there is a break in wires, sparking, damage to poles, insulators, unclosed doors of transformer substations or electric boards, it is necessary to immediately report this by calling the "Direct Line" of power engineers at 8 800 50 50 115. The call is toll-free.

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