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Smolensk cadets could learn how dangerous electricity is


Another lesson was held by power engineers of IDGC of Centre – Smolenskenergo division in Smolensk Field Marshal Kutuzov Cadet Corps. The branch has been cooperating with this educational institution for many years and such lessons for cadets are held here with great success.

At the electrical safety lesson in the cadet boarding school, 40 learners studied the basic rules of behaviour near energy facilities and the handling of electricity in the street and at home. The children were shown special protective means of power engineers and overalls, in which electricians work. Those who wished were able to try them on. The power engineers demonstrated voltage indicators used in real work, warning posters, most of which the children saw on the city’s energy facilities and easily cited examples.

During the lesson the cadets learned not only about the danger posed by electricity, but also got acquainted with the process of electricity generation, plans for development of electrical networks. They heard interesting facts about the power engineering profession and the prospects for career growth of young specialists in IDGC of Centre – Smolenskenergo division.

The company’s specialists also spoke about real cases with children, when the effect of electric current was fatal. "The main goal of electrical safety lessons is to protect children and teenagers from possible electric shock. During meetings with children power engineers use specially developed methodical materials: multimedia presentations, cartoons and colourful posters, where learners are taught in an easy and accessible way the basics of cautious handling of electricity," stressed a leading engineer of the industrial safety and production control department of IDGC of Centre – Smolenskenergo division Alexander Kunevich. For the design of stands for electrical safety teachers and educators are given colourful posters with a memo on the basic rules of conduct near power facilities. In addition to classes, the power company organizes broadcasting of social audio or video clips that tell about the rules of safe behaviour of children near power facilities on local TV channels.

In 2016, similar lectures on the prevention of electric injuries were heard by more than 5 thousand young residents of the city of Smolensk and the Smolensk region. Work in this direction is not slowing down, and the power company is trying to cover new schools and new classes so that more children will remember the rules for safe handling of electricity at home and in the street.

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