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Smolenskenergo summed up its work for 2016 and identified key tasks for the current year


At the end of February 2017 IDGC of Centre – Smolenskenergo division held a meeting to sum up the work on the main activities in 2016 and plans for the future. The meeting was chaired by Sabir Agamaliev, Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre – Smolenskenergo division director. Chiefs of all Distribution Zones of the branch and heads of key subdivisions took part in it.

During the event deputy directors for directions and heads of departments reported on the work done. Issues of development of value-added services were discussed, tasks were set within the framework of the year to reduce electricity consumption for transmission announced by PJSC "Rosseti", the results of work on connection of new facilities to grids of IDGC of Centre in the Smolensk region, implementation of programs of the branch were summed up. The managers noted that the plan for all major production indicators in 2016 was completed.

For example, with regard to the sale of services of the branch, last year the number of applications for Smolenskenergo’s services grew by 5.4% compared to the previous year. In 2016 the branch executed more than 4.4 thousand grid connection contracts (one of the main services of the branch), providing 96.8 MW of capacity to new customers. Revenue from the company’s value-added services amounted to 112 million rubles (21% up), which indicates the growing interest of residents of the Smolensk region to the services of the branch. Demand for a new service to support grid connection, for example, tripled for the year. The increase in the payment discipline of the consumers of the branch’s services also gave results. To collect receivables the energy company uses all tools provided by the current legislation. In 2016 courts of various instances considered more than 300 applications for debt collection and decisions were made to recover 229.30 million rubles in favour of Smolenskenergo. In addition, 262 people paid the arrears for electricity supplied by the branch in the period from 01.10.2013 to 31.05.2014 following the results of the work of the contractor, providing information to customers. The branch returned more than 581 thousand rubles.

The meeting participants discussed a wide range of issues, including those related to improving the reliability of electric grid facilities in the region, as well as plans for 2017. The main tasks were identified: unconditional implementation of repair and investment programs; constant diagnostics of equipment; 100% performance of clearing and expansion of ROWs; timely provision of the main and value-added services to customers of the branch; constant maintenance of the required amount of emergency reserve and full availability of special machinery and other vehicles and other issues.

In order to fulfill the task of development and social support of personnel, to stimulate the increase in the performance indicators of structural units, for the fourth time cups were given to the best Distribution Zones of the branch. Rudnyansky Distribution Zone was awarded for the best indicators to reduce the power consumption for electricity transmission, their colleagues from Temkinsky Distribution Zone received a cup for the best indicators for providing value-added services. The leader in grid connections was Gagarinsky Distribution Zone.

Please, be reminded that on the eve of the professional holiday Diplomas of the Department of the Smolensk region on energy, energy efficiency and tariff policy for high performance and achievement of outstanding results in the work were awarded to Khislavichsky Distribution Zone and the Office of grid connections of Smolenskenergo.

Summarizing the meeting, Director of the branch noted that in 2017 Smolenskenergo would continue to implement measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the company’s operating activities, as well as improving the reliability of electric grid facilities.

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