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IDGC of Centre’s specialists told employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the prevention of electric injuries among "troubled adolescents"


In late November specialists of IDGC of Centre – Tverenergo division participated in an educational training camp with staff of offices of district commissioners and juvenile police departments of territorial bodies of internal affairs.

The three-day program of seminars that covered three cities - Tver, Rzhev and Bezhetsk, in addition to summarizing the work of the district commissioners and juvenile police departments, also included discussions on the prevention of child neglect and juvenile delinquency and protecting their rights and interests.

One of the major topics within the seminar was methods and ways of carrying out outreach among "troubled teens" regarding prevention of electric injuries. In their report Tverenergo’s experts noted that children, particularly "troubled teens", are one of the most vulnerable categories of the population falling into the danger zone. The power engineers shared statistics on electric injuries, noting some specific examples of fatal electric shock with adolescents with indication of their reasons (frequently - attempts of illegal theft of power equipment). A leading specialist of the industrial safety and production control office of IDGC of Centre – Tverenergo division Yulia Goncharova spoke about holding regular electrical safety lessons by the energy company for children of different ages and social categories, distribution of preventive printed products, prohibitory signs, and also prsented a set of basic electrical safety rules. In conclusion of the theoretical material employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were demonstrated resuscitation techniques to a person with electric shock exemplified on a simulator "Gosha".

Handouts aroused great interest among the law enforcement officers. In particular, employees of the juvenile police departments got interested in the possibility of co-hosting electrical safety classes, as well as print and video materials used by the power engineers for the purpose of prevention of electric injuries.

"Working with "troubled teenagers", carried out by the police, is regular and systematic," underlines a senior inspector of the department for organization of activity of precinct police departments and juvenile units of the of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Tver region Olga Yasneva. "We do mandatory registration and control of dysfunctional families. To prevent crimes and offenses staff of the juvenile police departments conduct regular talks on-site with these children. In light of this the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were particularly interested in the report presented by the specialists of IDGC of Centre. We can use all the knowledge gained, tips and recommendations in our preventive work with minors."

The given event - this is another step in the implementation of the plan of active cooperation of the Tver power engineers and employees of the law enforcement bodies in the framework of the concluded Agreement on cooperation in the summer.

"IDGC of Center conducts intense work to prevent children’s electric injuries. Children from disadvantaged families, children in need of social rehabilitation, "troubled teens" often get in the area of ​​risk - those who spend a lot of time without adult supervision. That is why it is so important to take preventive measures to avoid possible accidents. Specialized preventive classes are especially effective that allow to attract the attention of children of different ages. The power engineers try to do all classes not only useful, but also exciting for better perception and memorization by children and adolescents. The cooperation with law enforcement authorities in this matter will allow to consolidate efforts, to share experiences and make our work more efficient," stressed Acting Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre – Tverenergo division director Vadim Yurchenko.

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