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Bryanskenergo held drivers’ competitions


IDGC of Centre – Bryanskenergo division held the professional skills competitions among drivers of the Central and Western sections of the mechanization and transportation service. The event was organized with the purpose of evaluating and improving the training of driving staff of the enterprise and promoting road safety.

The panel of judges, consisting of heads of departments of the branch, assessed the level of professional skills of drivers in six stages: "Checking adopted in the Company existing rules and instructions", "Check of knowledge of traffic rules and the Administrative Offense Code of the Russian Federation with a PC", "Check of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in first aid", "Driving a car at the practice ground, driving a truck at the practice ground" and "Assessment of the technical and safe condition of a vehicle". At the end of the competitions the winner was the team of the Western section, which scored 1,282 points. The representatives of this unit were the best in personal categories too. Driver Andrey Zaytsev was recognized as "Best passenger car driver" and "Best resuscitator", and his colleague Andrey Fisunov - "Best truck driver".

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