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Belgorodenergo’s employees told children about life safety


Before the start of a new school year staff of IDGC of Centre – Belgorodenergo division again reminded schoolchildren of the need for proper behaviour close to substations and power lines. More than 70 children in the children’s health camp "Youth" learned the rules, which will help save their lives.

Where does electricity comes from, what conductors and dielectrics are, what danger is fraught with electric current, what consequences result from rough handling appliances, how dangerous is to play near power facilities. This was discussed at a show-lesson. Everyone should know simple but important rules, consider the power engineers, so they try in an accessible and simple way to convey to children the knowledge on electrical safety, using an interactive teaching method. It gives an opportunity to find answers to questions, to better digest the information received.

The children were actively involved in the dialogue and, often, on the first try gave the right answers. For example, what if you saw the open door of the transformer substation: "You must not approach it, it is necessary to immediately inform an adult, who will call power engineers," answered the children. Is it possible to climb the roof of the garage, climb an electricity pole, "No! - shout the children in unison - it is dangerous, one may have electric shock." And is it allowed to play near power facilities, and, if your radio-controlled toy is caught with the substation equipment or power lines can one get it out on his or her own: "No way! – the schoolchildren say – you will die!" During the meeting the children learned a lot, including how to act if the see a broken wire on the earth. "In order to avoid the effects of electric current you must slowly move away from the drop point of the wire with small goose-stepping over a distance of 8-10 metres," this answer was given by the employees of Belgorodenergo, and the children in practice immediately consolidated their knowledge.

The power engineers not only talked and asked the children questions, but also showed warning signs, protection gear against electric shock, tools that every day they use in their work. Some children of the camp were lucky enough to try on an electrician’s protective helmet and insulating gloves.

According to the director of the children’s health camp "Youth" Alexander Bessonov, such events are urgently needed: "The children get useful information from the experts and learn the rules that will help them avoid accidents and save lives. It is very important!"

Such meetings in IDGC of Centre – Belgorodenergo division have already become a tradition. Lessons of electrical safety are regularly conducted by power engineers in kindergartens, schools and health camps of the region. Overall Belgorodenergo’s employees during the summer season have organized about 90 lessons, aimed at preventing electric injuries. In the school year this practice will continue.

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