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The economic effect from the implementation of the energy saving and energy efficiency program of Smolenskenergo in 1H 2016 amounted to 47 million rubles

The total economic effect from the implementation of the energy saving and energy efficiency program in the first half of 2016 at IDGC of Centre – Smolenskenergo division amounted to 19.77 million kWh in the sum of 47.06 million rubles, having reached and significantly exceeded the established targets.

Electricity losses in the 1st half of 2016 decreased by 0.563 million kWh compared to the same period of 2015, savings of which amounted to 1.068 million rubles. At the same time the largest share of technological losses were load losses in 0.4 kV grids.

In order to reduce losses to a specified level in the branch, the following technical and organizational measures are performed: replacement of wiring for a larger section on overloaded power lines, as well as replacement of bare wire with self-supporting insulated wire (SIW) in areas of maximum electricity losses, disabling transformers in low load conditions at substations with two transformers and disconnecting transformers with seasonal load, levelling phase loads in distribution grids of 0.38 kV and load redistribution in the transmission grid by switching.

To combat commercial losses of electricity the branch regularly performs control visits to customers to check the health of metering devices and detect electricity theft. During the 1st half of 2016 the effect of the implementation of measures to identify and recover non-metered electricity consumption (preparation and inclusion to productive supply of acts on non-contractual and non-metered electricity consumption) amounted to 19.45 million kWh in the sum of 43.47 million rubles.

Besides the problem of reduction of electric energy losses the energy saving and energy efficiency program includes measures to optimize energy consumption for utility needs of substations and economic needs of buildings and facilities. Electricity consumption for utility needs of the substations in the 1st half of 2016 was reduced relative to the 1st half of 2015 by 0.369 million kWh by optimizing the temperature in the substation control house and closed switchgear. Consumption of fuel and energy resources (electricity, heat, natural gas) for the administrative and economic needs of the branch in the period under review was also reduced in relation to 2015 by 139 tons coal equivalent.

Implementation of measures of the energy saving and energy efficiency program is one of the most important aspects of the activities of the branch, which aims to reduce electricity losses in the distribution grid, optimization operation modes of substations, development of electric power metering systems and control over rational use of heating and lighting of buildings and structures.
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