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Tambovenergo exceeded the targets of the energy conservation program in the first half of the year


IDGC of Centre - Tambovenergo division summed up the implementation in the first half of 2016 of the energy efficiency and conservation program (hereinafter referred to as the program). The net effect of this work during this period amounted to 7.17 mln KWh, which is 7.1% higher than the targets.

Within the program specialists of the branch performed a set of measures aimed at reducing electricity losses in the grid and energy consumption for own and utility needs. Much work was done in terms of suppression of non-metered and non-contractual consumption. Employees of relevant departments of Tabmovenergo checked over 13,500 electricity customers, following the results of checks 85 acts of non-contractual consumption were made up (in the amount of 1.46 mln KWh) and 860 acts on non-metered consumption (12.24 mln KWh, including 2.7 mln kWh in the scope of services provided by suppliers of last resort). To avoid repeated thefts of electricity preventive measures were applied to violators in the form of removal of meters on the facades of buildings in closed and sealed boxes.

Replacement of metering devices provided reduction of power losses by 0.35 mln kWh.

The program also provides for technical measures, including replacement of overloaded and underloaded transformers, replacement of wires for a larger section on overloaded power lines, as well as bare wire with self-supporting insulated wire in places of the greatest losses of electricity. In addition, to save energy at power facilities of Tambovenergo activities are performed to disable transformers in modes of small loads in substations with two transformers, transformers with seasonal load and alignment of phase loads in distribution networks of 0.38 kV.

"The money, saved as a result of implementation of the program on energy saving and energy efficiency, is primarily spent on implementation of the energy efficiency program and development of the branch grid infrastructure. This makes it possible to increase the efficiency of operation of electric grid facilities, quality and reliability of power supply," stressed the head of the energy saving and energy efficiency office of Tambovenergo Sergey Pervushin.

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