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Bryanskenergo summed up the work with customers in the first quarter


IDGC of Centre - Bryanskenergo division summed up the work with customers for the 1st quarter of the current year. In the reporting period staff of the customer relations unit of the enterprise took 3,683 calls, including 694 through the Customer Service Centre (CSC) and 2,879 - through customer care points in Distribution Zones. Individuals sent the bulk of the requests, 3,613.

Additional services offered by the branch are in great demand among the population, the most popular service "installation and replacement of metering equipment" has 1,387 requests, in the second place - "provision of technical resources" (providing special equipment, conducting necessary tests and measurements, etc.) - 507 requests, the third place is for the service "Execution of works related to the customer’s competence in the grid connection procedure implementation" (Grid connection support), under which experts of the grid company perform the list of works prescribed by technical conditions for the applicant: for the first three months 119 requests were registered. For connection to electric grids of the branch 1,362 requests were received, of which 465 requests to connect new facilities.

Bryanskenergo, following the principle of customer focus, conducts systematic work aimed at improving the quality of customer service. For the convenience of customers the branch operates provisional appointments to the CSC experts and points for working with customers, does work to bring the customer service centres and customer care points in the distribution Zones of the branch in accordance with uniform standards of customer service for electric grid companies.

Bryanskenergo initiates activities involving government officials, NGOs and various categories of consumers, where the parties discuss the problems faced by applicants in the implementation of grid connection, and jointly develop solutions. So, in March the branch held the first "Day of the Entrepreneur", where representatives of small and medium-sized businesses were explained the provisions of the RF Government Decree of 22 February 2016 N 128, which deals with the issues of interaction of retail electricity market entities while concluding contracts for electricity supply with electric power consumers until the completion of the grid connection procedure. The next round table discussion on this topic will be held 9 June 2016.

For information on all matters related to energy supply, residents of the Bryansk region can contact the direct line of power engineers at 8-800-50-50-115 13-50 or on the company’s website at, as well as in the Customer Service Centre of the branch, located at the address: Bryansk, Sovetskaya str., 35, or points to work with customers, which are in every Distribution Zone. To make an electronic application for grid connection on the website of IDGC of Centre, please, follow the link and fill in the form.

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