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Belgorodenergo discussed support of retirees of the energy industry


Deputy Chief Engineer - Head of Distribution Grids Office Mikhail Malikhin suggested to hear all points of view and develop a clear strategy to support retirees: "First of all, we need to understand what our retirees worry about. A few years ago to solve the social problems of employees who are retired, special councils were established in Distribution Zones. Each year, funds are allocated for provision of targeted financial assistance, organization of cultural events, and subscription to publications. But today there is an opportunity to hear at first hand where we have shortcomings and what further assistance they need," he stressed.

According to Chair of the Council of Veterans of the branch Belgorodenergo Liliya Dubrovina, there are no specific complaints from retirees, no request of the older generation remains unanswered. And yet many people need simple communication and help around the house. Some elderly people are closed in their own world, we have to work with them, engaging in public life.

For example, Chair of the Council of Veterans of Valuisky Distribution Zone Vera Petrushina suggested to her colleagues to pass courses of computer literacy. Realizing that modern means of communication make it possible to expand not only the vision, but also the scope of communication, the power engineers responded to the invitation with pleasure. Now many freely communicate with friends and families via Skype and email. Another form of assistance is legal, to clarify the legal aspects of behaviour in various everyday situations. "The main thing is not to be indifferent, everyone can find work here," stressed the leaders of public organizations of retirees.

Head of HR department Tatiana Tatukova stressed that each employee should know, respect and be proud of the history of the enterprise. The generation that created with their own hands, from scratch reconstructed the region’s energy system, is still alive. Saving and transferring to other generations this invaluable experience and the memory of their accomplishments is the task of young employees of the branch.

Belgorodenergo has long had a good tradition to hold many activities jointly so that retirees and young people will have an opportunity to once again meet, discuss news and exchange experiences and knowledge. At one of these meetings it was decided to create a memory album of retirees of the Belgorod power system, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of the power industry of the region. But this, according to Chair of the Youth Council of the branch Valery Kharkov, is not enough: "The potential of retirees is undervalued, so in the near future a concrete action plan will be developed for convergence of interests of two generations," he stressed.

Summing up the meeting, participants proposed to assign some young professionals to retirees of Distribution Zones, "Every retiree should know who to address when he or she suddenly requires assistance. And our task is to do everything to ensure that people are confident that they will receive such assistance. "Another result of the meeting was the decision to hold a charity event to raise funds to help retirees and home front workers. They observed a moment of silence to the memory of all the victims of fascism, as well as the famous native of Valuisky district, the Hero of the Soviet Union, General Nikolay F. Vatutin. The date of the event coincided with the day of death of the famous Belgorod resident. And the forum ended with a tour to the Vatutin’s house museum and a visit to the chalk caves and temple of Ignatius of Antioch in the village of Urazovo in Valuisky district.

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