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Smolenskenergo’s employees held the "Electrical Safety Month" in districts of the region


In March specialists of IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division held the "Electrical Safety Month" for schoolchildren of the Smolensk region. The power engineers told the schoolchildren about the rules of behaviour near power facilities, electricity danger, organized workshops on the resuscitation of the victim with electric shock on the robot simulator "Gosha" and showed educational cartoons and movies.

So, within the "Electrical Safety Month" lessons during March were held in schools № 1, 11, 13, 17, 40, Gymnasium named after Przewalski №1 of the city of Smolensk and Smolensk Field Marshal Kutuzov Cadet Corps. The target audience there was schoolchildren of 2-7 grades. The specialists together with school teachers in an interesting and accessible way told the children how to behave near energy facilities, to handle electrical appliances, where to call in case of emergency. Educational games and competitions on knowledge of electrical safety rules helped consolidate the learned material.

In the Smolensk region electrical safety lessons were held in many schools. For example, for schoolchildren of Novomikhailovsky school in Monastyrshchinsky district Smolenskenergo’s experts staged a comprehensive training on electrical safety. Specialists of Ershichsky Distribution Zone of Smolenskenergo held lessons in Ershichsky secondary school. In the classroom with schoolchildren of grade 6 special attention was paid to prohibition of third party access to premises of energy facilities. Lessons for primary school schoolchildren were held in Sychevkaya high school №1, and Kardymovsky, Ekimovichsky, Bogoroditsky, Muryginsky, Temkinsky, Baranovsky, Konoplensky and Cherepovskiy secondary schools.


"Summing up the "Electrical Safety Month" in schools of the Smolensk region it is worth noting that this set of measures, as well as developed manuals and recommendations, cartoons and colouring books on the topic of energy safety will help children learn the rules of safe handling of electricity and not make tragic mistakes. Intensifying work on the eve of spring break, we hope that the rest of children will take place without accidents," commented Head of occupational safety and industrial control of Smolenskenergo Vasily Gipich.

The power engineers hope that the practice of training on electrical safety could become binding on the school curriculum in the same way as this training is mandatory for all employees of organizations in accordance with applicable legal requirements for health and safety.

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