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Voronezhenergo’s specialists are clearing and expanding ROWs along power lines


IDGC of Centre - Voronezhenergo division has begun the active phase of work on clearing and expansion of ROWs along power lines. Events are held in preparation for the autumn-winter peak load period of 2016-2017 and are aimed at ensuring reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers. In total this year it is planned to clear more than 1,300 hectares and extend over 233 hectares of ROWs of power lines.

In order to increase the efficiency and quality of clearing, to improve working conditions and minimize negative impact on the environment, Voronezhenergo actively uses in clearing all-terrain mechanical wood shredders – wood mulchers. They provide continuous shredding of vegetation into chips, which then do not need to be disposed of. This reduces the amount of manual labour, improves productivity, and significantly increases the clearing area.

"Systematic work on cutting down trees and shrubs near power lines allows to eliminate falling trees onto power lines as a result of exposure to strong winds, snow and freezing rain. In addition, the expansion and clearing of ROWs significantly increases the reliability of the energy complex of the region in the fire-dangerous period," stressed Deputy Chief Engineer for Operation – Head of the Production Asset Management Centre of Voronezhenergo Alexey Burkov.

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