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Administrations of Smolensk schools thanked power engineers for conducting electrical safety lessons


Letters of thanks for the work done electrical safety were received addressed to Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division director Sabir Agamaliev and a leading engineer for occupational safety of the branch Alexander Kunevich.

Management of municipal budgetary educational institutions "High school №40" and "High School №3" of the city of Smolensk expressed appreciation for the great attention that Smolenskenergo pays to prevention of children’s injury at electric grid facilities. "The practical value of lessons organized by the staff of Smolenskenergo is that they teach children to be aware of dangers and consequences of electric shock and quicker learn the rules of electrical safety," said one of the letters.

Director of school №40 Irina Novikova noted the work on occupational safety of the leading engineer Alexander Kunevich, expressed appreciation and gratitude for the interesting and instructive conduct of the lesson on electrical safety for schoolchildren of the 2nd form, which was held in February 2016.

It should be noted that the conduct of lessons on electrical safety is part of comprehensive and regular work to reduce the risk of injury at power facilities implemented by Smolensk power engineers. Just for the first two months of 2016 (despite the prolonged quarantine in schools and New Year holidays), specialists of the office of production safety and production control of Smolenskenergobylo conducted 34 lessons in 12 schools of the region. Thus, more than 600 schoolchildren were trained in electrical safety.

Classes are held on the approved schedule and conducted throughout the year in all districts of the region. During the summer lectures and thematic discussions are scheduled at school grounds, in camps, boarding schools, and rest houses.

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