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Smolenskenergo plans in 2016 to clear about 1,290 hectares of ROWs of power lines


Clearing ROWs of overhead lines (Conductors) and their expansion are among the priority areas of work in preparation for the autumn-winter operation period. In 2016 IDGC of Centre – Smolenskenergo division plans to clear ROWs of 110 kV overhead lines from trees and shrubs within the framework of maintenance activities in the volume of 435.21 hectares, 35 kV Conductors – 324.69 hectares, 6-10 kV Conductors – 529.20 hectares. It is planned to spend about 36.52 million rubles to perform the work.

One way of clearing in Smolenskenergo is a manual method using chainsaws and brush cutters. They are lightweight, easy to use, reliable and do not require great physical exertion, thus can significantly increase productivity. The second way to clear, which saves time and increases the productivity of the work is mechanized – with the use of special equipment (bulldozers). This allows making partial breaking of the root system of trees and shrubs, which retards the growth of seedlings under the line several times in comparison with manual clearing.

For each section of the ROW of overhead lines the most effective method of clearing is determined. It also involves felling alone standing trees threatening to fall on power line wires.

Along with clearing ROWs and cutting alone standing trees it is planned for work to expand ROWs of overhead lines of 6-110 kV in the volume of 560 hectares, which is more than 3 times the expansion plan in 2015. Expansion of ROWs of power lines to normative values is necessary in order to prevent falling of trees on wires within the security zone of Conductors.

Work on clearing and extension of the ROWs of overhead lines is organized in Smolenskenergo in order to improve the reliability of electric grids. The bulk of clearing accounts, usually, for July, August and September. As a result of work performed Smolenskenergo plans to improve the quality of power supply in the Smolensk region and prepare the energy complex to failure-free operation through the autumn-winter period of 2016-2017.

Last year Smolensk power engineers did a great amount of work, clearing 1,522.04 hectares of ROWs along 6-110 kV lines of trees and shrubs. The cost of clearing amounted to about 32.78 million rubles. Extension of the ROWs was performed in the volume of 147.08 hectares. 

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