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Smolenskenergo summed up staff training for 9 months of 2015


IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division summed up staff training for 9 months of 2015. Maintaining a high level of staff is an important part of the personnel policy of Smolenskenergo.

One of the important issues for the company in the field of professional retraining and advanced training is to train electrical engineering specialists. For 9 months of 2015 202 employees had their professional retraining and advanced training in various educational institutions.

Special attention in preparation for the operation through the autumn-winter period was paid to the training of personnel of mechanization and transportation. In particular, 93 drivers in September and November were trained and are in process of learning defensive driving techniques, 46 people were trained and certified for admission to work as a machinist of bulldozers, six - as an excavator operator. Four staff members of the service were trained as trainers and mentors and in the future will be able to test and train newly hired drivers with defensive and counteremergency methods of driving. 38 employees were trained and certified as responsible persons for authorization of vehicles to the route.

For 9 months of 2015 59 people also improved their skills with testing knowledge of safety in the operation of electrical installations, another 40 workers were trained and certified for the right to work with hazardous waste, and 56 employees - for the rules of fire safety. Another 77 employees were trained on working specialties.

The main purpose of the set of implemented events is qualitative performance of obligations to customers in the autumn-winter peak loads. Preparation for the autumn-winter operation period is a difficult, stressful, costly and responsible process, which begins already in the spring. The set of measures includes not only technical, but also events with staff, comprising emergency drills to simulate actions in emergency response at low temperatures.

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