In 2015 IDGC of Centre - Belgorodenergo division started a mass installation of energy efficient transformers in substations with the voltage of 6 (10)/0.4 kV. The first transformer provided power for individual housing construction district Streletskoye, 23, and just at the moment in the region there are already about 20 of these transformers.
The decision to use energy-efficient power equipment was made after a comprehensive study of the level of losses of the first innovative transformer installed in the distribution networks of the branch in January 2014. Experts analyzed no-load losses, load losses, calculated the approximate payback period and concluded there was the feasibility of using such equipment as an effective method to reduce losses and improve the efficiency of the electric grid complex. And already from 1 January 2015 the branch began placing exacting demands on not only for reliability, but also to the level of utility power consumption of transformers.
Currently, from nearly 14 thousand transformers installed in substations of 6-10 kV, the vast majority has a level of energy consumption, 20, 30, and some even 50% higher than today's counterparts. In the course of their work to transform the voltage almost one-fifth of the total volume of electricity losses during transmission is consumed. Experts calculated that the planned transition to energy-efficient transformers will allow 20-25% lower total internal transformer losses. The cost of such equipment is only 10% more than usual, and the payback period is quite low - 3-4 years. Given that Belgorodenergo installs annually between 250 and 500 power transformers, for 10 years the total energy saving potential could reach 60 million rubles. Thus, a gradual renewal of this equipment will help improve the efficiency of electricity transmission as a whole.
All transformers with reduced energy consumption are made at Russian plants, which until recently did not manufacture products of this class. The situation began to change dramatically in the last year or two, when at the request of electric grid companies manufacturers added a line of transformers with a reduced level of losses and expanded the product range in terms of power and design. For example, if a year ago, the line of energy-efficient transformers began with 250 kVA, today it completely covers the equipment from 160 to 1,250 kVA. Moreover, currently the effectiveness of using energy-saving transformers of 35-110 kV is being assessed.
All this allows to meet the needs of the branch in the diversity of power equipment. According to experts, the choice is made in favour of rational decisions based on obvious economic advantages, high reliability and efficiency. The final decision shall be made only after a thorough analysis of the new equipment in the real conditions with the assessment of all its pros and cons.