IDGC of Centre - Lipetskenergo division held a series of round-table discussions on issues in the field of connection of applicants to power grids. The event was attended by representatives of regional authorities, the business community, including large construction companies, independent horticultural societies and garage cooperatives. Power engineers informed them about the current state, new aspects and prospects of the work of Lipetskenergo in the field of grid connection in the changing financial and economic conditions.
"Our goal is the creation of a barrier-free environment. In doing so, we seek to minimize the time of the grid connection process as much as possible, forming an open and constructive dialogue with customers to meet the needs of the business and government," stressed, speaking in front of them, Head of the Department of Grid Connection of IDGC of Centre Timur Glushko.
Particular attention was paid to the mechanisms of interaction between administrative authorities and IDGC of Centre in the field of grid connection; the quality of territorial planning as a tool for effective development of the electric grid complex, and the topic of availability of connection to grids. And they also discussed such an urgent problem as the lack of demand for power reserved by consumers. Paying only for the power used, consumers have no incentive to reduce, transfer or reject the previously received reserve. In this situation, the company being aware of its responsibility for ensuring the energy needs to develop the region, is forced to construct new substations (which is becoming increasingly difficult in the conditions of freezing of tariffs), spending money that could be spent on solving urgent problems: the modernization and repair of power grid infrastructure, ensuring grid connection of socially important facilities.
The power engineers also answered questions of participants of the round tables. In particular, technical managers of telecommunications companies were interested in the possibility of a simplified connection procedure of low-power installations. In addition, the applicants received explanations on the grid connection of temporary facilities, installation of borders of balance participation for large consumers and legal aspects of the grid connection procedure for non-profit organizations - horticultural societies and garage cooperatives.
One of the most important outcomes of the events held was the decision to establish a joint working group to prepare a regional regulation aimed at reducing the time of grid connection.
Lipetskenergo has been conducting regular work to improve the availability of grid infrastructure as part of the federal road map since 2012. During this time, the branch has been able to achieve a reduction of the period of execution of contracts for applicants with maximum power up to 150 kW by 40 days. The number of stages of grid connection has been reduced from an average of five to three, and while using the Internet service - to two. By 2018 Lipetsk power engineers plan to reduce the time of grid connection down to 40 days.
At the same time the timing of registration of contracts for grid connection has also been reduced - to 7 days for contracts of up to 150 kW, with the statutory 15 days.
The adoption in the current year of the regional law "On establishing in the Lipetsk region cases that do not require a construction permit" will also further promote the reduction of the period of performance of measures for grid connection agreements. This law excluded from the grid connection procedure steps associated with obtaining permits for construction and reconstruction of power facilities up to 10 kV and making initial permits for a facility to operate. The implementation of all these measures has enabled the branch in 2015 to reach a new quality level of customer service.
Currently, "Lipetskenergo" operates comprehensive customer support at all stages of grid connection, including full-time and extramural care. Now customers may apply and get the necessary information by personally contacting the Customer Service Centre in Lipetsk and points of customer service, operating in every district of the region, or by calling the around the clock direct line of power engineers at 8 800 50 50 115. The same can be done by e-mail and online resources on the corporate website at Through a personal account and the Customer Portal one can submit an application for grid connection, and via the Internet-reception - ask experts of IDGC of Centre questions. Also on the corporate portal one can learn the interactive map of feeding centres, information about their loading, and power reserve.