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Smolenskenergo thanks to the program of energy conservation plans to save up to 128 million rubles in 2017


In 2015 IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division plans to reduce power losses in the grids by 12.48 million kWh, or 40.48 million rubles. As part of energy conservation and efficiency it is planned to upgrade the equipment of substations and power lines, implement intelligent energy metering systems, and further reduce the consumption of electricity, heat, gas and water for household needs of facilities of the company. Expected effect of the optimization of the electric grid operation, which includes the shutdown of one of transformers at substations with two or more transformers, switching transformer substations with seasonal load, phase load balancing in distribution networks of 0.38 kV and load transfer of the main grid through switchings - 2.67 million kWh or 5.55 million rubles. And power engineers’ raid are of great importance, which results in the inclusion of acts of unmetered consumption in productive supply and collection on non-contractual acts of consumption. Planned for 2015 accompanying effect from the Program to develop devices for metering and control of electricity should reach 0.81 million KWh or 2.69 million rubles.

One of the important directions of energy saving the power engineers of IDGC of Centre - Smolenskenergo division consider the program of modernization of electricity metering systems. Federal Law № 261 "On energy saving and energy efficiency" from 2013 obliges all, without exception, consumers - individuals and legal entities - to install in households and in the production meters and pay for electricity over the meter. The obligation to provide metering of energy resources at consumers’ that have not fulfilled the legal requirements within the prescribed period is assigned to the energy suppliers, in particular, Smolenskenergo. This year, work on the program of modernization of the systems of electric energy metering will continue.

"Implementation by the branch of the program of energy saving and energy efficiency in 2014 gave the economic effect of 59 million rubles," stressed the head of the department of energy conservation and energy efficiency Dmitry Serenkov. "We saved the money due to activities on the reduction of energy losses, modernization and reconstruction of power grids, as well as reducing the consumption of electricity for industrial and utility needs of the branch under the program." To reduce power consumption for utility needs of substations the branch implemented the following actions: optimization of working hours and the number of cooling fans of transformers and autotransformers, optimization of devices for heating and lighting of buildings of control of substations, installation of energy-saving lamps and lighting fixtures for outdoor switchgear, improvement of energy efficiency of buildings. All of them will be continued in the current year.

Completing all planned activities the branch expects to save up to 128.37 million rubles in 2017.

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