In order to ensure reliable power supply to customers in 2014 power engineers of IDGC of Centre - Lipetskenergo division will clear from tree and shrub vegetation 613.2 hectares and will expand to the standard condition 136.3 hectares of ROWs along overhead power line. 38.2 million rubles will be allocated for these purposes.
As at the end of July these figures are 58% and 73%, respectively. Remaining work will be completed in the third quarter of this year.
The clearing and extension of ROWs are intended to reduce the number of technological failures caused by falling trees and branches on wires of overhead lines passing through the woodland. Along with the ROWs extension the branch organized work on storage of harvested wood and waste residues in accordance with the laws and regulations of forest fire prevention.
"Just one fallen tree or branch can cause power interruption of entire settlements, fires and endangering people's lives. Particularly such risks are high during the fire season and during adverse weather conditions. Over the last 3 years this had a lot of evidence - freezing rain near Moscow, a hurricane in the Volgograd region, a snow collapse in the Tver region, etc. Therefore activities for clearing and extension of ROWs are one of the priorities for the power engineers," stressed Deputy Director for Technical Issues - Chief Engineer of Lipetskenergo Alexander Kornilov.