In accordance with the Collective Agreement of IDGC of Centre the company’s employees are compensated for a significant portion of the voucher price (80%) and employees relating to the least socially protected categories of citizens are given vouchers to children's camps for free. This year on such terms 87 children of employees will rest in summer camps of Smolensk and the Smolensk region.
Thanks to the company, which employs parents, children will have the opportunity to spend the school holidays with the benefit - to improve health and gain new experiences. "This year my child went to a camp for the first time - the children’s recreation camp "Change". We liked its excellent location, beautiful nature in an ecologically clean area of the city of Smolensk, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The child is in awe of the program of events and active pastime. This is a wonderful place where there is opportunity to do creative work, also there is a full entertainment program, concerts, competitions, various amateur, holidays here. Professionalism of teachers, trainers and all the service staff is at the highest level. They deserve thanks for the show of care and love for children, the ability to find approach to every child," commented a leading economist of the finance department of Smolenskenergo Natalia Zhelnova.
Smolenskenergo’s management believes efficiency of the staff depends on competent implementation of the social policy in the branch of the company, as parents, knowing that their children spend summer holidays with health benefits, are be able to fully and safely work in this period. That's why dozens of children of employees are sent annually for improvement in recreational facilities of the Smolensk region.