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Yarenergo is for a healthy lifestyle


IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division hosted the Annual Sports Games. Power engineers from Distribution Zones and the Executive Office of the company competed in swimming, volleyball, table tennis, weightlifting, mini-golf, basketball throws, chess, running, football and Russian ball game.

This year the main sports event of Yarenergo is timed to two significant dates – the 80th anniversary of the Yaroslavl power grid and the 10th anniversary of IDGC of Centre. The main purpose of the event is to promote healthy lifestyles and form the team of the branch to participate in the upcoming Sports Games of IDGC of Centre. Regardless of the outcome performance the power engineers spend time with health benefits and, if possible, set new personal bests.

The best volleyball players were athletes from the team of Danilovsky Distribution Zone. The first place in the table tennis competition went to Deputy Head of Operations and Technology Service Eduard Volkov and Engineer of the Grid Control Centre (GCC) Anna Zarubina. In swimming the winner was Engineer of Electric Operation Modes Service Svetlana Kamzolova. The leader of the men’s swimming was Electrician of Yaroslavlsky Distribution Zone Anton Ivanov. In weightlifting "gold" went to Danilov – Chief of Distribution Zone Alexey Kozyrev proved to be the strongest power engineer. The chessboard winner was Operator of the Grid Control Centre Valery Maximov. The most precise basketball throws were demonstrated by employees of Danilovsky Distribution Zone Sergey Vinogradov and already distinguished in table tennis Anna Zarubina. An employee of Poshekhonsky Distribution Zone Andrey Pavlov and Engineer of Electricity Metering Svetlana Pyatakova showed the best results in the mini-golf. The executive office team won in football. The fastest sprinters were Lydia Smetanina of Substations Service, Olga Volkova of Capital Construction, Alexander Bogomolov of Uglichsky Distribution Zone and Yury Marakazov of Metrology Department. In the long-distance race the finish line was first crossed by Anna Zarubina, Natalia Yakusheva of Information Technology, Grigory Efimov of Substations Service and Alexey Ulyakin of Bolsheselsky Distribution Zone.

"Our employees prepared according to the plan for the Sports Games throughout the year – they actively train, visit sports sections. Such events are of great importance for us: they help team building, develop leadership skills, provide additional motivation for employees," stressed Head of Human Resources of Yarenergo Lyudmila Rozhdestvenskaya.

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