IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division summed up the work in the field of occupational health and safety for 2013. The branch provided nearly 42 million rubles for the activities of the program to reduce occupational injuries and improve the OSH management system for the current period.
Tverenergo continues to work on equipping staff with modern means of protection. In the current period 163 first responding and maintenance crews were provided with sets of sticks for installation of portable earthing for overhead power lines without climbing poles both for 6-10 kV Conductors, and 0.4 kV Conductors. Operational and maintenance personnel is fully equipped with uniform that is resistant to electric arc. During 12 months of 2013 the branch spent more than 33 million on the purchase of personal protective equipment, tools and accessories. Tver specialists also organized permanent control over staffing of crews with protection means and devices for safe work performance and there classes for personnel on first aid.
Under the approved in IDGC of Centre Program to reduce injury risk occurrence Tverenergo conducts comprehensive and thematic inspections, patrols and checks of work places, improvement of skills of safe performance of work by crews at training centres on safety days. Following the results of the year the branch allocated 296 thousand rubles on measures to prevent accidents, over 460 thousand rubles were spent on sanitary measures for the prevention of occupational diseases and measures to improve general conditions of staff.
IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division pays special attention to electrical safety. To reduce risk of electrical shocks and prevent intrusion of third parties into electrical installations a complex of measures of organizational and technical character, training and awareness was developed.
As part of a program to reduce electrical injuries with third parties the power engineers systematically conduct master classes on electrical safety for pupils of schools, boarding schools, high schools, children's health camps with the distribution of special materials on the rules of behaviour near power facilities. For pupils and students the branch organizes excursions at substation with a view to broaden the horizons of children, to help in choosing a future profession, as well as to focus on the need to observe safety precautions and rules of behaviour near power equipment.
"Work of power engineers involves constant risk, so each year the branch faces a number of major tasks on preservation of health and life of its own staff as well as all categories of electricity consumers," stressed the head of the production control and safety of IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division Oleg Golubev.