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In Tver the first ice hockey tournament of IDGC of Centre took place, devoted to the Fatherland Defender's Day


The first ice hockey tournament of IDGC of Centre, devoted to the Fatherland Defender's Day, was held on 21 and 22 February in the capital of the Upper Volga.

The sporting event was held on the site of the sports ice complex "Triumph". The event was held in conjunction with the company's trade union committee to strengthen the corporate spirit and promote a healthy lifestyle among employees.

Opening the tournament the chairman of the primary trade union organization of IDGC of Centre Victor Ablezgov wished the team good luck: "This event is important for the sport life of our company, because the healthy lifestyle, which is cultivated in all branches of IDGC of Centre, is supplemented with a spectator sport - ice hockey. It is also important that there is very much in common between our profession and this team game – energy, courage, fighting spirit, team spirit – all this is an attribute both of the hockey game and the power engineering specialty."

In his welcoming speech to the participants of the tournament and fans Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre - Tverenergo division director Andrey Polyakov congratulated everyone on the Fatherland Defender's Day and said: "As the president of the Hockey Federation in the Tver region I am pleased to host the tournament in our land. I hope that such activities will become a tradition in our company, and at a national level."

A performance of skaters from a specialized youth sports school of Olympic reserve in figure skating made the players cheerful.

Teams of three branches of IDGC of Centre played 3 games. In accordance with the provisions of the tournament a winner was determined by the highest number of points. The absolute leader in the number of goals was the team of Tverenergo. Silver medals were awarded to players from Kursk, the bronze medal went to the team of Belgorod power engineers.

An electrician of Kurskenergo Roman Moskalyev was recognized the best goalkeeper in the tournament. An electrician of Belgorodenergo Yury Solokh was awarded the title of the best defender. The best scorer was Deputy Director for Capital Construction of Tverenergo Alexander Popov. The head of the Tver branch of IDGC of Centre Andrey Polyakov received the title of the best striker.

The hockey holiday demonstrated the unity of the company, having brought the people together, not only in the production process but also in the sports arena. All participants and guests noted the spirit of that competition struggle, which prevailed at the rinks. It not only identified the strongest, but also gave the opportunity to feel like a single entity – the team of IDGC of Centre.

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