In 2013 IDGC of Centre - Yarenergo division performed activities to improve the quality of electric energy at 42 facilities. As a result power supply of settlements in the Yaroslavl region was improved, from residents of which complaints were regularly received about power surges and damage to household appliances.
Improvement of electric energy quality is part of service of the electric grid complex of the Yaroslavl region. Among the major facilities in 2013 is the village of Taranino in Danilovsky district. From the substation "Danilov" a new 10 kV line was constructed. Power engineers installed a transformer substation that reduces the voltage to 0.4 kV, and from it they laid an additional overhead line to the village. Yarenergo’s specialists replaced the wire on the old 0.4 kV line and thus distributed the load from the village on two independent lines.
Similar work was done in the village of Aniskino in the Yaroslavl region. Power engineers of the branch energized the locality with a new scheme. For this purpose, they reconstructed a 10 kV overhead power line from substation # 9 "Lyutovo - traction" with the replacement of existing wiring and construction of a new tap. For more reliable power supply Yarenergo installed a separate pole-mounted substation, as well as constructed additional 0.4 kV lines.
In total, within the implementation of measures to improve the quality of electricity in 2013, 52.8 km of wire were mounted on 10-0.4 kV lines and 8 new transformer substations were installed. The work was performed in the framework of investment and maintenance programs of Yarenergo. Total costs of the branch amounted to 56.7 million rubles.
For reference:
Quality of electric energy is determined by the requirements of GOST. The state standard has norms to the level of voltage that affects the normal operation of household appliances at consumers' homes. Problems with voltage are often caused with significant increase in energy consumption: grids constructed in the countryside a few decades ago were not designed for modern power installations. Measures to improve the quality in each case are determined individually.