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The first lesson of the school year — on electrical safety


On the Day of Knowledge in schools of Voronezh and the region there were lessons on electrical safety which were initiated and conducted by employees of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division. These events were part of the program to prevent children’s electrical injuries at power facilities.

The experts of Voronezhenergo explained to schoolchildren the origin of the electrical current, described its importance in human life and above all — its dangers. The children learned about handling electricity in the home, in the street, and near power facilities. For visual clarity the power engineers showed photos of substations, power lines, poles and electrical panels, as well as warning signs. Then the children were shown a cartoon which in an easy and entertaining form illustrated the basic rules of electrical safety.

Traditionally, the most interesting part of the lesson was the practical training of first aid to the victim with electric shock with a special simulator «Gosha». At the end of the lesson the power engineers gave the children timetables and bookmarks with basic electrical safety rules. In addition, each pupil received a book by Vyacheslav Kolesnikov «Energoland» with poems, rebus puzzles and tests on electrical safety. Some of the books the employees of Voronezhenergo passed to the school library, where every pupil can independently learn the vital lesson for himself or herself.

According to the primary school teacher of secondary school № 2 in Voronezh Svetlana Demidova, in nowadays holding such lessons in schools is very relevant. «Electricity surrounds us everywhere — at home, in the street, in the yard. Therefore, it is important to convey to our children as much information about the correct and safe use of the electric current. The today’s lesson was interesting and informative thanks to the competent professionals of Voronezhenergo. But one should not forget that the explanatory work on electrical safety with children is required to be performed not only by power engineers and teachers but also parents,» added Svetlana Demidova.

Lessons on electrical safety for power engineer have become one of the major events in the prevention of children’s injuries at power facilities. From the beginning of the year, specialists of Voronezhenergo had lessons in all district schools, as well as in children’s summer camps. Posters, leaflets, books of poems on electrical safety were circulated in all Distribution Zones of the branch and handed over to the Department of Education of the city of Voronezh.

In addition, as part of injury prevention at facilities of Voronezhenergo, the power engineers regularly conduct additional checking all the substations for the presence and good order of their entrance doors, locking devices and guards. They install warning signs on poles of power lines, substations, electrical enclosures and doors of electrical installations.

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