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Voronezhenergo received appreciation from the Paninsky district administration


Deputy General Director of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division director Ivan Kleymenov received a letter of thanks and a «Russian Black Earth» medal from the administration of Paninsky district of the Voronezh region for contributing to the development of the area.

Last year, in the district centre of Panino the power engineers reconstructed street lighting of a children’s park and a square, within which they replaced 29 reinforced concrete poles for metal ones with street lighting lamps and installed 58 lighting fixtures. In 2013, a 0.4 kV overhead line was reconstructed, 26 poles were replaced and 38 lighting fixtures were installed on one of the main streets and in the park of military glory, bare wires were replaced with self-supporting insulated conductors. Totally the power engineers during this period reconstructed about 3 km of overhead power lines.

In addition, Voronezhenergo will assist the district centre to install an outdoor video surveillance system «Safe City» on poles and connect the system to the branch’s overhead power lines.

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