In total for 6 months in 2013 the grid of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division supplied electric energy in the amount of 4.3 billion kW/h, with the net supply reaching 3.9 billion kW/h or 90.77% of the total supply to the grid. Electricity losses amounted to 0.4 billion kW/h, which is 0.11% lower than the targets.
The reduction of losses in networks was made possible by the systematic work of power engineers to identify the facts of non-contractual and non-metered consumption. Since the beginning of the year specialists conducted 32,610 inspections of electricity meters, of which 692 facts of unmetered electricity consumption were identified amounting to 6.91 million kW/h for the sum of 8.8 million rubles and 76 facts of non-contractual consumption at 0.35 million kW/h in the amount of 1.04 million rubles.
In order to reduce the losses, according to the energy saving program, the branch is also actively working to resolve technical irregularities in the system of commercial metering, install metering panels on the facades of buildings, replace overloaded transformers, wires with larger cross-section on congested power lines, as well as conventional wires with self-supporting insulated conductors.
According to Acting Deputy Director for Development and Sale of Services of IDGC of Centre — Voronezhenergo division Alexander Mozgovoy, the rapid growth of industrial production and infrastructure in the region requires more power consumption. «Measures of the Voronezh power engineers to minimize the level of losses in the networks can enhance the effectiveness of the grid company’s performance, and thus provide more stable and reliable power supply to the Voronezh region», stressed Alexander Mozgovoy.