IDGC of Centre — Smolenskenergo division received a letter of thanks on behalf of the head of the Administration of Yartsevsky district of the Smolensk region Yury Pankov. The head of one of the largest municipalities in the region noted the constructive interaction with Yartsevsky Distribution Zone.
The combined efforts of Smolensk power engineers of IDGC of Centre and the Administration of the district contribute to reliability of electricity supply and coordinated actions at the time of elimination of damage of the grid.
«These actions were particularly demonstrated well and smoothly in the emergency response associated with extreme weather conditions that occurred June 29, 2013,» says the letter.
Please, be reminded that as a result of bad weather the power supply of consumers of Yartsevskaya district was interrupted. Despite the severe weather conditions, incessant rain and strong gusts of wind the Smolensk power engineers promptly managed to restore the power supply of the mains and by the end of the daylight hours all the consumers were reconnected. It should be noted that the socially significant facilities for all the time of troubleshooting and repairing the damages were promptly powered with standby power sources. Yury Pankov is willing to have that professional and fruitful cooperation in the future as well.