In 2013, within the investment program Voronezh power engineers are planning to disburse about 1.5 billion rubles, of which 58% will be spent on new construction, and 42% on modernization and reconstruction. The investment program is aimed at providing reliable and quality power supply to consumers of the Voronezh region.
Among the most important facilities of the investment program in 2013 — construction of a cable line of 110 kV of XLPE from Substation # 30 to the Substation «Student» (# 13) with a length of about 7 km. At the same time the power engineers plan to increase the capacity of power transformers and get to work to transfer the Substation «Student» from 35 kV to 110 kV, and Substation # 30 will be equipped with two 110 kV bays. This project is to be implemented in
In order to provide consumers with the necessary power, the power engineers have planned to carry out the modernization of other three substations. Among them — the 35/10/6 kV Substation «Ramon-1», at which, due to the increasing loads in Ramonsky district it is necessary to replace its power transformers from 4 MVA to 6.3 MVA and transfer from 6 kV to 10 kV.
In addition, this year specialists will perform construction and upgrade of energy facilities within activities for grid connection, replacement of obsolete electrical networks for new, as well as a large amount of work on clearing and widening of ROWs.