Power engineers of IDGC of Centre — Orelenergo division have started the repair season in Maloarkhangelsky district of the Orel region. They plan to overhaul transformer substations and 10 kV power lines that feed the settlements of Podkopaevo, Starch factory, Prilepy, and Khitrovo.
By now they have completely renovated a transformer substation and power line in the settlement of Khitrovo. Now the power engineers have begun their work in the village of Podkopaevo.
In the course of the repair program great attention is paid to clearing ROWs along power lines from undergrowth and felling trees, the fall of which is the most common cause of power outages, especially in the stormy period. By now 6.3 hectares in the district have been cleared.
The performed activities allow to provide for increasing load, significantly improve the reliability and quality of electricity supply, create a reserve capacity and technical capability to connect new customers.